About us

So hello every one, my is name Becky, myself and my husband together run Kent's soapy secrets. We live in a Deal which is a coastal town in Kent.  Our company started out in early 2020 when i was gifted a melt and pour soap kit from my mum at Christmas, 2019. I had always wanted to try it but never actually got round to it until my gift from my mum. I read the instructions and with in half an hour i had made my first ever soap. Yet I did not feel as though I had accomplished anything, I just remember thinking, huh is that it? So curiosity got to me and then entered You Tube, what an amazing place that is, so many people making these superb soap creations, and I mean REALLY making them, well its safe to say I was hooked. I spent a lot of time researching, everything, the best quality oils to use the best methods,  must have watched soooo many you tube videos and still do actually. And then I was ready to make my first soap I decided on lavender. I was so happy with it and knew I wanted to take this further. Having a fantastic husband, kitted out our spare room into my new soaping studio. Wanting to do the best i can I enrolled on a soap making business diploma course which I passed with a distinction. And so began my soap making, trying different recipes, different creations with colours and fragrances, until I was ready to submit my final recipes to be assessed by a qualified chemist.
I then decided to do my own range of bath and body products, I currently have assessed foaming bath whipped soap that I just love and am hoping you guys will too! And not forgetting the sugar and salt scrubs too, and with lots and lots of help from my dad I have managed to set up this website to show you all my products. I am currently finalising my bath bomb recipe too and am very excited to have them completed so I can show you guys.